Buy now private hack from Fluent external Cheats. This cheat for Rust has so much features. Check our videos and functions on description. Buy Fluent external rust now and enjoy!
- Enable Aimbot
- FOV Circle Size
- Draw FOV Circle
- Draw Snapline
- Snapline Position (Center, Bottom)
- Aimbot Type (Silent, Classic)
- Aimbot Smoothing (0-1.0)
- Aimbot Target (Players, Sleepers, Wounded, Friendly, Patrol Heli, Scientists)
- Faster Bullets
- No Aimcone
- Thick Bullet (0-1.0)
- Recoil Slider (0-1.0)
- No Sway
- Force Automatic
- No Attack Restrictions
- Shoot While Mounted
- Instant Eoka
- Fast Bow
- Instant Charge Compound Bow
Player Visuals
- Enable Player ESP (Same Options for NPC)
- Dont Draw Friendly
- Dont Draw Sleepers
- Allows Show Sleeper (Enemys/Friendly)
- Draw Dead ESP
- Hotbar ESP
- Hotbar Ignore Friendly
- Box ESP
- Name ESP
- Distance ESP
- Skeleton ESP
- Distance Position (Top, Bottom, Box Right)
- Active Item (Text, Icon)
- Team ID
- Flags (Workbench, Wounded, Safe Zone)
- Corpse ESP
- Backpack ESP
World Visuals
- Animal ESP (Show Icon)
- Bears
- Polar Bears
- Boars
- Wolfs
- Horses
- Sharks
- Stags
- Chickens
- Cargo Ship ESP (Distance, Icon)
- Bradley ESP (Distance, Health Bar, Icon)
- Patrol Helicopter (Distance, Health Bar, Icon)
- Tool Cupboard ESP (Distance, Upkeep)
- Workbench ESP (T1, T2, T3)
- Stash ESP
- Trap ESP (Auto Turret, SAM Site, Shotgun Trap, Flame Turret, Bear Trap, Land Mine)
- Raid ESP (Boom Type, Time Since Last Boom, Distance)
- Ore ESP (Distance, Icon)
- Crate ESP (Patrol Heli Crates, Bradley Crates, Elite Crates, Military Crates, Basic Crates, Tool Boxes, Food Crates, Barrels, Crude Barrel, Airdrop, Chinook Crates)
- Collectibles ESP (Hemp, Wood, Stone, Metal, Sulfur, Diesel, Food)
- Berry ESP (All Types)
- Vehicle ESP (Minicopter, Scrap Helicopter, Attack Helicopter, Snowmobile, All Boats, Cars, Hot Air Ballon)
- Item ESP (Melee Weapon, Tier 1 Weapon , Tier 2 Weapon , Tier 3 Weapon, Boom, Resources, Tools, Meds, Ammo, Other)
- Bright Night
- Instant Loot
- Drop Box (Bindable, Hold Timer)
- Instant Untie Underwater Crates
- FOV Changer (90-180)
- Zoom (0-20)
- Mark Players (Enemy,Friendly)
- Copy Steam ID
- Bag Steam ID
- No Fall Damage
- Spiderman
- Omni Sprint
- Infinite Jump
- Admin Flags
- Instant Revive
- Spinbot
- Crosshair (Size 1-8)
- Anti AFK
- Suicide
- Fuel Remaining in Heli
- Config System (Save/Load)
- Menu Language (English,Chinese,German)
- ESP Font Size (7pixels, 10pixels)
- V Sync
Additional requirements:
Fast boot & Secure boot are disabled
Included spoofer:
Supported game modes:
Borderless, Windowed
Supported CPU:
Intel & AMD 64-bit CPU with AVX support (Pentium/Celeron support is not guaranteed)
Supported OC:
Windows 10 PRO 64-bit (Insider builds and custom Windows ISOs are not supported) 1903 – 22H2
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