Waroverlay (Unix) War Thunder cheat with EAC bypass, Aimbot with prediction, ESP and more
War Thunder 3D models ESP cheat mod
Mod for War Tundra draws a 3D ESP box around enemy’s allowing you to see the enemy’s vehicle through the wall and any structures in its way, this hack is known as wall hack or ESP. Contours of 3d box (size of 3d model), fits exactly for each model of tank, in that case with this mod you will be easily able to shoot enemy vulnerable points behind destructables objects like walls, parts of houses, etc. Mod also displays range to target, and model name of unit.
By default DLC mod not shows allied units, but displaying of allied units can be turned on in the menu (deathmatch option). In menu options also possible to turn on displaying of AI units (bots). Should also be noted that product displays only visible by game client units, if by server to client was sent location of unit or its activity DLC will display it in that momment, in other words if game client knows location of unit it will be displayed.
In latest updates to ESP information was also added an “aiming at you” marker, which looks like red aiming cricle, it shows when enemy look directly at your side, this marker available for enemy tanks and planes.
Aiming markers with movement prediction
Aimbot Mod for War Thunder Tanks and Planes
Closest to War Tundra game crosshair models of enemy units will be displayed with movement prediction marker, prediction aiming marker displays based on all ballistic calculations, in calculation included: target move direction, it’s move speed, distance, initial velocity of own projectile and speed loss rate coefficient. Prediction calculation are based on marker parameters, these parameters are always displaying on the left side of game screen:
Bullet Speed it’s a initial speed of the projectile, Air Drag it’s a the speed loss ratio, Target it’s a point of aiming which can be switched using the PageUp and PageDown keys or through the menu. In the calculations of prediction also included movement speed of the own machine for impulse correction.
War Tundra Inversion Value on autoaim Aim assist Mod
The marker parameters configured for almost all units, and they automatically selects for each tank or plane, but also they can be adjusted through the mod menu for own needs and will be saved for currently controlled tank or plane.
Autoaim (aim assist)
Aim assist WT Autoaim
This WT mod have own aim assist which works based on aiming at nearest to him movement prediction marker. The hotkey for aim assist are “R” by default, it can be changed to any other in DLC menu, product menu can be opened by «Insert» button.
With the introduction of server replays aim assist was changed to an safe mode version, now in safe version of aim assist instead of direct aiming on the prediction marker autoaim makes smooth moving to it, in that mode autoaim are almost undetectable on the game server replays.
For planes aim assist was made with aiming inversion, wich adds faster turn to target, in addition movement prediction markers have correction for guns targeting aim (known parallax effect).
War Thunder Aimbot 3D ESP Autoaim for Tanks and Planes
This cheating mod also have alternative own bomb aim for planes, bomb aim works on all types of aircraft.
johny –